So, this is the most wonderful time of the year. We have really enjoyed this month and can't believe it's almost over. We have been to lots of fun Christmas parties and eaten way too much already!

A couple of weeks ago we went to a "tacky Christmas sweater" party and ornament exchange.
It was a lot of fun. I ended up finding my sweater at a thrift store for $1.61!!! It was $3.00, but since it was Wacky Wednesday it was 1/2 price! So boy was I excited. I embellished it a little more with some gold bells, and it was perfect. ;)
I even won 2nd place! ;) It was a fun night and Ty even enjoyed it. That was Friday night, then Saturday night we had the youth group Christmas party. We did a scavenger hunt. It was a lot of fun. I think there were 5 or 6 cars with 5 to 8 people per car. I went with a friend Lisa, and we had 3 of the young girls. We had a fun time.. lots of giggles and girls being silly! Honestly, I'm thankful we had a 1 1/2 hour limit! ;)

We didn't win, but we did come close. We had wings and dessert. It was a fun night too! Then Sunday night we had the youth devo at our house. We had about 35 kids there, so it was packed. Of course Ty thinks he's 15 and fits right in. They all love him to death, so he's definitely not hurting for attention!
This past Monday night we stayed at Darla's (Ty's babysitter) and she cooked a yummy dinner.
After that. The girls, Darla, Evan, and I made peanut butter balls. Ty "helped" Phil decorate the tree, and then Sam and David played on the playstation. It was a really fun night. We had Christmas music playing and enjoyed just all being together.
Ty only broke 2 things, I think, he kept thinking the ornaments were balls and throwing them. Once they hit the wood floors, it was over. ;( Sorry Phil and Darla! Then when he got bored with the tree he started going through the our bags and of course he pulled out a bra and tried to wear it! It was very funny!!

Wednesday night Ty woke up with a very low fever and was fussy. He seemed to be fine Thursday, but I ended up taking a 1/2 day and taking him to the doctor, just to make sure cause he was pulling at his ears. Ended up, it was just his molars coming in.
So we headed to the mall to see Santa.
Ty did really well. He kept trying to see Santa while we were in line and kept running up to the gate saying, "ho, ho, ho..." so finally after about 20-30 minutes it was our turn.
He sat on his lap just fine. He was a little unsure about him, so we didn't really get a smile, but definitely no tears, so that was a plus!
After that we headed to get a pretzel and then David took him on a carousel ride.
He seemed to like it ok. Didn't love it and I think it made David sick, but we got pictures and a video, so it all worked out. :) After that we headed back home for the night.

Friday we got up went to work as usual.
Around 12:00 it started sleeting and then went straight to snow. I left work around 1:00.
It pretty much snowed the rest of the night.
We got a good 7-8" David said.
It was so fun.
We took Tyler out Friday afternoon while it was still snowing and went on some "sled" rides. The sled consisted of a boogie board pulled with an extension cord.
But he had fun so that's all that mattered! 
Saturday, we just hung out at the house, made muffins which Tyler loved the batter,
and basically were just lazy all day.
I wrapped some presents, made some presents while Ty took his nap and then around 4:30 went back out to take pictures and play in the snow. 

While we were out one of our neighbors invited us down to the end of the road where they were roasting hot dogs. It was pretty funny. 
They had a fire going, had built a huge igloo thing
and a big snowman.
That is the snowman that Ty and I have our picture with. David just accidentally cut of the head. We didn't make one for some reason, so we stood by theirs.
After having a yummy hot dog and hanging out a bit we headed back to the house because Ty's hands were freezing.
He would not keep his gloves on, so we tried socks and that didn't work either. We have to invest in some snow gloves for him. The cotton ones just don't work. 

So Saturday night it froze again
and everyone was worried about black ice,
so they moved our church service till 2:00. 
So, Sunday we got up, hung around, I wrapped the rest of our gifts and then got ready and went to church.
Of course Ty totally missed his nap, but he did great during church. We went and ate at Texas Roadhouse afterwards. He did good till right about when we got our food, he had had enough. So we got to-go boxes and headed home. He took about an hour nap then he was up. We watched Hallmark movies, enjoyed our fire, and just had fun all being together. It really was a great relaxing weekend!

Please keep us in your prayers as we travel and also David's grandma. She's not doing well at all right now and really needs all of our prayers. I will update you more on this too when I know more!!