Well, this past weekend, Tuck woke up with a high fever (103.2) so I took him to the doctor and they said he had Hand, Foot, & Mouth disease, which is a common virus in infants and children. He also had thrush... Not sure where in the world that came from? So anyway, he wasn't feeling great but was still his precious happy self.

So we just stayed in most of the day Friday and Saturday and just hung at the house. I got some organizing done that I have been wanting to do and we got some good playing time in. :)

Tyler got a hair cut. David cut it and he actually didn't even cry, and that's a huge step! :) Tuck on the other hand desperately needs one... He will be going to the salon soon. He turned 11 months this past week, so only a few more weeks till he is ONE! I can't believe it!!

Saturday, David took Josh (a boy in our youth group) to the mountains, because he wanted to go. And so Saturday night the boys and I met Bryan, Candace, and her family at the
K'ville Folly. It's like a carnival thing. Ty walked around looking at things and Tuck just rode in his stroller like an angel. Ty was of course spoiled and got a Diego blow up thing and cotton candy and then he sweet talked Candace into buying him a bubble gun, which is way cool! Tuck loves that too! :)

Sunday, was Mother's Day. I didn't get to go to church because
HFM is contagious to children so I didn't want to risk getting anyone else sick, so we stayed home and David and Ty went. I was spoiled this Mother's Day. I have been wanting a radio or something to play music in the house. The boys love music and I often have the
tv on just for back ground music. I got an
Ipod touch and a docking station!! I was so excited. I have already used it tons and I know I will love it for years to come. :) We are enjoying playing the games too!

David and the boys also made me
paver stones. They aren't quite done yet, but I'll show you a pick when they are! :) I am truly blessed and thankful everyday that God blessed me with 2 precious healthy boys!
I hated that we couldn't be with our moms on Mother's Day, but we get to see them both very soon! We love you both and are so thankful for you and all you mean to us! Thank you for loving us and bring us up in a christian home! Thank you for showing me how to be a loving mother and for all you do for us!!! We are blessed!!
And lastly, just a few pics that I have stored up that I need to post before I lose them. Just random things.
Ty fishing with Daddy at the Branch Farm.

Ty making his first fort in our living room.

Tucker's love for phones and remote controls, he can spot them from across the room.

Tuck sitting in the boys little rocking chair, man, he's getting big!

Ty loves helping daddy in the yard! I'm sure he's a BIG help! :)

I hope you have a great week and enjoy this beautiful weather we are having!!