That's how many days my little baby boy is! I can't believe that he is one! Just like everyone says, you think you couldn't love another child the way you do your first, but man I do. Tucker and Ty are so different and I love them both with my whole heart. I can't imagine that God loves us more than that. It's amazes me!

Well to start off the birthday weekend we welcomed a new friend into the world, Brady Ashley. He is Shanna and Brian's little boy and brother to Addison. He's precious in every way. I just can't wait till I can get my hands on him again. He's adorable!

He was born on Thursday, June 2nd which is also Sarah (David's sister)'s birthday! It just so happened that Brenda and Mike had a layover in Charlotte that night, so after work we packed up and headed to meet them for Sarah's bday dinner at Outback.

It was a very short trip, but glad we got to see them. Happy Birthday Sarah! Hope that this is an awesome year for you!
That night I started getting ready for Tuck's party by getting most of the cakes baked. Then, Friday we were up and going. Tyler and I took Tuck to get his first haircut. I took him to Van Davis Aveda salon where I use to go. Joel cut his hair.He cried because he was not sure what in the world was happening.

He had his first lolly pop there and loved it, but stilled cried and moved the entire time. He cut his hair so cute!

I mean really, it's adorable. I couldn't believe with all that was going on that he did such an awesome job. While I was occupied with that Ty took it upon himself to meet everyone in there and ask them what they were doing.. They loved him. It was too funny. I know that everyone was like, wow... when we left cause we kind of created a scene. Oh well.

David was working on the house and trying to do some running around for the party. Hate he missed it though. :)
Then after a few more errands we headed back home to get started on decorating the cakes. We were going for a baseball theme and I started WAY too late on planning his party. Poor thing, it just snuck up on me... It turned out pretty good though. Just very last minute. :)
Caroline and Stefanie came over Friday to keep us company. :)
Saturday was the big party day. We had a good day. Tuck just played and slept.

Sarah came and picked up Ty to go to the pool for a little while which gave me time to make Tuck's bday shirt and banner for his party. :)

Around 4:15 we headed up to the church (after about 4 trips back and forth to the house because I kept forgetting everything). David was playing in the church golf tournament, so he was out of pocket. But we managed. :)
Candace, Sandra, and Addison were at the church waiting to help me set up and then daddy arrive. So with every ones help we got it done. :)
Pizza, grapes, chips & dip, peanuts, and cake!

I actually also wanted to make some baseball cake pops so they were in the mix too. 25 chocolate and 25 lemon. I was pretty excited how they turned out. David helped me put the finishing touches on them!
We had a great turn-out! It was very laid back and relaxing so I think everyone enjoyed it. I hope so! :) I just wish I would have gotten more pics of everyone that was there. :)

Tuck got lots of fun sand toys, snack cups, faucet cover, clothes, water table, books, balls, and tools.

Ty told Tuck that he needed to play with the tools because they were too dangerous for him! :) I'm sure he was trying to protect him and not just stealing his toys! :)

I made a baseball for Tucker's smash cake.

He actually did really good with it.

I really thought he was going to think it was a really ball and try to pick it up and throw it!

He just put his fingers in it at first and then started the face diving


It was too cute! :) Tyler got in a little himself. He kept sneaking finger swipes. That silly kid. :)

The rest of the kids enjoyed cupcakes. :)

We also blew up our crazy red ball. The kids enjoyed getting in and getting rolled around the room. :)

Katie took some family shots of us after the party! So thankful for her to do that even if we did almost lose Nathan... Oops. :)

I'm thinking the easy days of picture taking are over. 2 toddlers with sugar don't mix. It was very hard to get some good shots, but I think she managed to get a couple. :) Thanks Katie!

The only problem with having a bunch of toddlers together is the fact that someone is bound to come up sick and sure enough it happened.

Someone started feeling bad after the party and the calls started coming in. I only know of 4 that had a fever so far, so hopefully that's all, but you never know. :) Thankfully I've heard it's short lived and only a small virus, so hopefully it won't be too bad. Sunday, his actual birthday, we went to church and then out to lunch.

At church these 5 kiddos were all wearing white, so I took a pic, I know it's not good, but I took it anyway. :)When the boys went down for naps, I went to the pool with Sarah and Erin for a little R&R.

After about an hour I came back and Tuck got up from his nap so we played with his new water table on the deck and he LOVED it! :) Went to Mexican for dinner after night church. All in all I think he had a great birthday, although he had no clue what that meant. :)

Tucker woke up with the fever this morning... I had already scheduled his one year check up for today, so it actually ended up being good timing. Dr. did do a strep test because she said his throat was on fire, but was negative and confirmed a virus. Fun Fun. Just praying Ty can stay well. We'll see. :)
Tucker checked out well! :)
His head was 19 1/2" (96%),
Weight 26.1 lb (89%)
Height 31 1/2" (92%)

Fun but busy weekend! We are so blessed to have Tucker in our lives and love him more and more everyday! We love you Tucker and are already so proud of you!!! Can't wait for many more birthday weekends!!