Ty had his 3 year old check up yesterday (only 2 months late!). He checked out great. He is a tiny thing weighing in at 29 lbs (15%, and also equals tucker's weight) and is 37 1/2" tall (32%), so he's on the scale, just not very high! He's built so much like David! But other than that, they both got their flu shot and cried for a bit. Ty a little longer cause bless him, I'm sure if felt like it was in the bone, since his legs are so small.
But they both were troopers and got a bouncy ball which always seems to make the hurt go away! :) So, we're just praying that everyone stays healthy! Looking forward to our FL trip next week for my grandmother's 80th birthday!! Oh, and also for the record, David was cutting Ty's hair last night and was almost done and it looked good, until Ty decided to get the other shaver and do it himself when David turned around... Needless to say, his hair is much shorter than planned and he also has a bald spot on his right side where he shaved to the scalp! Bless him! Just hope it grows before Thanksgiving!! :)