We left Friday afternoon (Ty and I) from Greensboro, and then flew to Charlotte and then to Birmingham. We were so excited because we were going to see Jake for the first time and of

course some of my best friends live there, which some had never met Tyler, so it was a much

needed trip. We arrived around 5:00 and Kelly, Ashley, and Jake were there to greet us. From there we went to Kelly's and then to eat at Mama Goldberg's (one of our favs from Auburn). After that we headed to Ashley's parents house for the night and Kelly stayed the night which was a fun treat. We just stayed up late talking and having a blast just being together again.

Tyler did great on the plane and the rest of the weekend and he got a special treat because he got to sleep in the same bed with me because for some weird reason he didn't much care for the crib.
So Saturday morning, Ashley's mom cooked us a great breakfast and we just laid around pretty much all morning. It was raining outside, so there was not much we could do and plus we really just wanted to relax. Side note, we stayed at Ashley's parents house because that's where she is living right now while Nolan does a internship in Montgomery..
Kelly was in the middle of In-vitro, she had the embryos implanted the Thursday before I got

there, so we also wanted to keep it low key for her so she could rest and hopefully let that baby/babies find a comfy spot! ;)
So by mid afternoon we had to get out, so we decided, as always, to go to Snow-Biz and have a snow cone, a favorite of ours. Then we shopped around at a couple shops and then headed back

to the house for some homemade Lasagna. After dinner, Ryan and Kelly went home, and we just sat around and talked the rest of the night. We ended up going to bed pretty early because we were so tired from our "crazy" day. ;) Sunday morning, up for church and no power till about 20 minutes before we left, be we all seemed to manage. After church we went to eat Mexican with

Kelly and Ryan and Rick and Brooke. It was fun just all being together.

That afternoon we wanted to go for a walk or do something half way

productive, but it was still raining and the boys were sleeping, so we didn't want to wake them! ;)
Church again and then out to eat a Jason's deli and then we said our goodbyes because we were

leaving on Monday.
Monday, we got to meet Katie and Daniel for lunch on their way to

Nashville for spring break, so that was a fun treat. Then we went back home and had a photo shoot with the boys in their matching outfits that Ash's mom had given them. Then they took us to the airport. ;(

We had a great trip and it was so good to be with my girls again, but we were ready to see "daddy" and he was ready to see us, I think.
While we were gone it was David's idea to redo our kitchen, I mean, from top to bottom.

Honestly, I knew it would take longer than a weekend, but he has high standards for himself and figured he could do it. It did take 2 weeks longer, but looks amazing and I'm so thankful for a wonderful handy husb

and!!! He painted the cabinets which were a dark wood, tiled the counter tops,

which were just the standard lament?, made a "glasses" shelf, and put wood floors down. It honestly looks amazing, oh and he also spray painted our fridge black to match all of our other appliances. For all those not sure that wo

uld work, I was with you too, and amazingly it does work and it looks great! So after much cleaning and very long nights of stay

ing up till the next morning (once for me, about 20 times for David) it's pretty much complete!

(these pictures were taken right after a shower at my house, just in case you were wondering who Bryan and Candace were).