This weekend was the youth retreat in Myrtle Beach. We were one of the 6 or 7 churches there. The singing was amazing and the speaker was great also, although I didn't get to hear many of the sessions because they always fell right in the middle of when Tyler needed to go to bed. But it was ok. I think the kids had a blast and hopefully got some good stuff out of it.

We got there on Friday night around 7:45. We had horrible weather on the way down. It rained on and off the whole way and then about the last 45 minutes it was a complete storm. Lightening hitting everywhere and Tyler was so tired but couldn't go to sleep, so he wasn't really a happy camper. Patsy Wilburn and I drove the car with Tyler. At first Ryan was with us but after dinner he switched cars, and I'm glad for his sake that he did. ;) Ryan is Mike and Lisa's son, he's 9. Mike and Lisa were our co-chaperons along with Patsy and Mike and Julie Scott.

We loved having them with us and they were awesome!!

So back to the retreat. Friday we got to enjoy the singing before Tyler crashed and needed to be in a bed, so we headed up to the room. Saturday morning we were up for breakfast at 8 and then had a session till 12 and then we ordered pizza for lunch because we wanted something quick and easy so we could get outside and enjoy the non-rain for as long as we could.

It wasn't really sunny but we had a break from 12-5, so we wanted to get out there. It did sprinkle on us, but we didn't care we were already wet anyway. The hotel had an awesome play area.

Tyler loved going down the slides.
They even had a 2"/3" pool.

That's right INCH!!

He loved it! It had fountain like things in it so he has a blast in there. Lisa and I even went down the slides and boy were they fun.

We just had a great time. They had a lazy river, but as you can tell from the pic, Tyler didn't enjoy that so much. We also got in the hot tub to warm up a bit because it was pretty chilly outside. Tyler didn't stay in the hot tub very long, but he sure would of if we let him, he loved it. So then after our play time we all went upstairs and got ready to go to Fudruckers for dinner. It was good, but oh so crowded. I think there were about 175 people at our youth retreat and we all went there for dinner, of course, it was planned out and went actually pretty smoothly, but it was crowded.

Then we had about 30 minutes before we needed to get back, so we went to The Bass Pro Shop.

I love that place and Tyler loved looking at the all the fish.

Then back to the hotel for more singing before I headed up to the room to get Ty in bed. So everyone got back in their rooms around 11:00 and Ty and I were already asleep. Tyler has had this horrible cough for a few days now and his nose is just running non stop but it's clear and he hasn't run a fever, so the dr said not to bring him in. Well, he woke up about 11:30 screaming his head off. He wasn't coughing or anything just crying. I couldn't get him to stop. Then he started coughing and almost gagging because he was crying so bad. So I rushed to get David and he couldn't get him to stop either. I really was worried. Then we went and got Lisa

and she wasn't sure either. I tried everything, cold rag, bottle, cup, books, outside, everything. Finally he just went back to sleep. So I don't know if he was having a nightmare or if he was hurting somewhere. Of course we called the nurse and she said nothing. David ran to the store to get a humidifier, medicine, and anything he could think of because we were thinking it had something to do with his cough/vaccines and not feeling well. But who knows. He went back to sleep around 12:30 and slept till 9:00, so I'm not really sure what it was.

After church we were all packed up and headed home.
It started out with me, Ty, and Patsy, but when we stopped for lunch David and Patsy switched because Tyler was crying and we felt bad that she was having to listen to it. But as soon as we took off he went to sleep and slept for about 2 hours and then the rest of the trip he was fine. Of course he wasn't really happy about being in the car seat, but did good none the less. So we arrived home around 5:00 after getting all the rental cars back and switching to ours. So we went on a long walk (Tyler and I) and just relaxed the rest of the night.
It was a great trip and so glad that the church allowed us to go. Thanks to everyone who went and who put so much time and energy into! It was really a great weekend! I'll post more pictures when I get them off my other camera and when some other people send me some new ones. ;)
So, Tyler still has a cough and runny nose, but the doctor said it needs to last at least 2 weeks before we bring him in... so we wait! And one last picture of our favorite past time these days. Tyler and I, and sometimes David get to go on little walks when we get home and of course Tyler feels the need to step on every leaf or speck in the road and also to stop and play in the dirt and find rocks to throw, so I just take a seat on the curb and let him have at it! David took this pic from our house across the street, Ty needed to give me kisses... I just love how he's up on his tippy toes!! Got to love it!!!