So, now that February is almost over, I guess I should post about what all happened during this month. It was a busy month and hate I didn't do more post throughout, but hopefully this one will put us back on track.

We've had tons of snow this year. I think in Feb we had 3. Church got cancelled one Sunday and then 2 Sundays we only had a 2:00 service. Super Bowl was fun. We had Bryan and Candace, Shanna and Addison, and Chris,
Carli, and Baylor over. It was very relaxing and we really enjoyed the company. We had tons of food and just sat around and talked the whole Super Bowl. It was great. Then Valentines Weekend we had a Senior Banquet.

We do this every year with the teens. It's for members of our church that are 55 and older and then teens serve them and they just have a fun evening. We'll this year it snowed, so knew we were going to have to end early, but I think it worked out for everyone. Karen and Kay Lynn made the Brisket. (Upon David's request). It was delicious. We served that with Baked potatoes, salad, and dessert.

I think everyone enjoyed it. The kids did great!!

Honestly we didn't do much for Valentine's Day. It was on a Sunday and so after church we went to eat with the
Ashleys, and Bests at Chili's. It was fun and good to be with friends. Then the rest of the day we pretty much just chilled and then back to church that evening. So, no big day or anything. Maybe David will be more up for it next year!

But that weekend also, David got a new truck. We have been wanting to get him a new vehicle for a while now, because his car/truck kept breaking down and he really needed something else, but we just kept waiting until we were having to both use the van for about 2 weeks and then something had to give. I think he found his dream vehicle.

It's a little redneck, but we kind of are... so it works! :) He absolutely LOVES it and so that makes me happy!!

Ty has started to really like it too. He wasn't sure about it at first, but now he's all "truck, truck..." So I think Daddy and his boys will have many adventures in this ride! Did I mention it's huge??? He had to put the steps on the side because we could barely get into it! It's pretty funny!

This past weekend (19-21) we went to
Gatlinburg for
Winterfest. We had an awesome time.

We actually got to take a greyhound this year, so that made the trip 100 times easier.

Ty did really good and I think everyone who went was uplifted and really enjoyed themselves. We stayed in a condo/lodge thing right up the road from the convention center, so it was nice to be able to walk back to the room if we needed to.

We had about 30 kids go and 9
chaperones. It was a perfect group and everyone did great. The rooms were nice, since they were a condo they had 2 to 3 bedrooms, a full kitchen and 2 full bathrooms. It was great.

The first night Ty wasn't too sure about it so we wrestled most of the night, but Saturday night he did great, so I think he was just a little confused.

The speakers were good, singing was good, weather was good, it was just a great time and we were so blessed to be able to go.

The ride back was pretty quiet at times because many were sleeping... too bad I was in a position where I couldn't sleep, but at least the little man did! ;)

We got back around 5 on Sunday.

Ty went to bed right at 8:00 and David had to wake him up Monday at 11:00. He was pure exhausted! David started not feeling really well on Monday so he went to the doctor and sure enough had
bronchitis, I guess were just not good at staying up all night like we use too! It was all worth it though.

Then, Tuesday we had a beautiful day so Ty actually got to go outside and play in his sand box, which he totally loves.

It was just so refreshing to finally be able to be outside and not have to totally bundle up.

It was great! We are so ready for spring it's not even funny!!

I'm glad we got that day, but it was just a tease cause yesterday, Wednesday, it snowed again! :)
Also, so I don't forget, Tyler has been peeing in the potty. Not
every time and he certainly doesn't really tell me, but before the bath, I'll put him on there and he will go. Then last night I could see him kind of starting to squat, so I said, "lets go to the potty" and he pooped! I was so excited and so was he!!

So, I know were not even close to being potty trained but he does like sitting there and reading his "Mel-Mo" (Elmo) books, so that's a good start, right?
And last but certainly not least.... I'm 6 months pregnant now (24 weeks) and finally I took my first picture!!

Sorry little man! We went to the doctor Tuesday and everything looked great. He's measuring right on schedule. She could barely find his heartbeat because he was moving so much! He is definitely a mover, but I love that! :)

I also want to ask for prayers because Tyler is getting tubes in his ears Wednesday (3/3) morning. I'm so nervous about it! I know he will do great and it's not a big deal these days, but he's still my baby and I don't like the fact that he will be put to sleep! So please just pray for the doctors and for him to have a quick recovery and for peace for me to not be so worried! :)
ok, thanks!
I'll do better at posting and be sure to document his procedure on Wednesday!!