Monday, May 17, 2010
Prayer Request...

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Dinner with Friends...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Mother's Day Weekend...

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Sunshine and almost summertime...

Saturday we (Ty and I) didn't get up till 10:00.
David left a little earlier because he was playing golf that day at the Church's golf tournament. So Ty and I decided to meet Melissa, Francesca, and Dominic for some strawberry picking.
We got to their house a little before lunch and headed to the farm in Kernersville. It was pretty hot and muggy that day, but we had fun.
Dominic ended up sleeping the entire time we were there, but Ty and Francesca had fun finding all the strawberries.
Honestly, after about 15 minutes of it, Ty was saying, "Bye Bye Stra-bur-ees" He was hot and ready to go.
So we stayed for about an hour and then decided to head to the park for lunch.
The kids played and had a blast. We got home around 3:00 and Ty crashed.
I had to wake him up about 6:00. Then we met Candace, Bryan, and Sarah at Mellow Mushroom for dinner.
It was fun and the weather was once again beautiful. After dinner we went to Kernel Kustards for some ice cream. Then around 10:30 headed back home.
Sunday we were up for church and then we went Kimono for lunch with the youth committee. It was fun and good to catch up with some of my girl friends. Then we headed back home for naps. We got up around 4:00 and headed to Ty's favorite park, Hathaway, where we were having the Teen Devo that night. Cody and Karen cooked hot dogs and we had a little picnic and played. It really was a great day.
Monday back to work. Candace's mom got pretty sick and they ended up having to put her in the hospital, so we went to visit them a little bit on Monday. Thank goodness all is well and she saw great doctors. She got to go home on Tuesday, and is feeling much better but still needs prayers that they find the reason she got so sick and are able to make it better! We love their family and hated to see them go through this. So continue to pray for this sweet sweet family!
Tuesday, I had a training all day in Raleigh. So it ended up being a 12 1/2 hour day. Not fun.. It wasn't too bad, but it was just long. That night we enjoyed sitting outside for dinner and then having Popsicles on the front porch.
Tyler is loving Popsicles right now and he's so stinkin cute eating them.
The videos (at the bottom) were precious. He did answer some of my questions, but he does tend to get a little distracted and "forget" what I asked him. So, that's the best I've got right now. :)
We are all doing good and getting ready to head to Florida in a couple weeks for my sister's wedding. Got my bridesmaid dress yesterday, needless to say, I'm meeting with the seamstress today to see if she can work a miracle... Ordering a dress in January and now being 8 1/2 months pregnant doesn't always work out... It's not too bad, But we'll see. The dress is pretty regardless, I just hope I get to wear it! :)
Here are my 34 week belly pictures sorry (Brittany) for not being better at this... It's just so much harder remembering to take a picture of your belly the 2nd time around, but it's just as important,
so I will try to do better these last few weeks! :)
Tyler went for his 18month check up today. Yes, I realize that he is almost 20 months, but when I called to make his appointment around 18 months they didn't have an opening until now... So here we are. :) He did pretty good. Was a little whiny because of all the traumatic stuff they had to do in the ER he is a little scared of doctors. We saw Dr. Pinder. He weighed 24.7 lbs (23%), height 33 3/4" (75%), and his head circumference was in the 91%. She said he looked great and was doing very well with all his "tricks". He had to get 3 shots and did really well. He was crying as soon as David laid him on the table, but didn't cry much when they gave him the shots, so I call that good! :) Got a ball from the ball machine and headed out! Success if you ask me. :)
I just thought this was too cute. One night Ty wanted Daddy to take a bath with him, so he put on his swim trunks and got in. I think David was a little cramped, but Ty loved it! What a fun daddy he has! :)
And one more exciting thing... David's sister, Bekah and her husband Brad are expecting their first baby in October, they found out yesterday that they are having a GIRL!!! We are so so excited for them!! Lately it's been all about the boys, so we are so looking forward to buying some girly things!! She'll be the first granddaughter for them all! Such a fun time and I"m so glad that we get to be a part of it!
Okay, sorry this was such a long post, but I needed to catch up. Hope you have a great rest of the week enjoy this beautiful weather while it lasts.
I have another video but it won't post for some reason, I'll work on it! :)