And it has kept us busy!! This is kind of a catch all post and I'm also going to post some of my phone pictures that I have had for a while. So I'll put those at the end since they are so random. :) The beginning of the month we had Muffins with Mom at preschool. So Wednesday I went with Tyler and Thursday I went with Tucker. It was fun seeing the kids in his class and getting to meet some of the moms. That weekend, David was out of town for something, so on Saturday I took the boys to the pumpkin patch.

Really it is just pumpkins set up on a church lawn, but either way, it was the "pumpkin patch" to us. :) When I got there, I realized the camera battery was dead, but I ended up getting quite a few cute pics with my phone! We had fun.

Ty enjoyed looking at all the pumpkins and picking out 2 to bring home, Tucker enjoyed throwing the little pumpkins. Thankfully, none of them busted! :)

After the pumpkin patch we headed to the playground to have a picnic lunch. It was a gorgeous day and enjoyed just being outside. While we were there, Ty found a "dandy lion" and had fun blowing it, making wishes, and then searching for more!

Man, that kid knows way more than I ever think he does! :) That night we went to Germantown, NC. My dad has family that live there and they were having a chicken stew, complete with a fire, bluegrass music, and a hayride. Of course, I had my camera, but didn't manage to take any pics. Candace came along with us to enjoy the fun! Last Thursday David found out that his high school was honoring his senior football team, since they won state 10 years ago. So, he was really wanting to go, so Thursday night we packed up and drove to Ohio. It was a very short trip, but it was good to see the family and I know that David enjoyed getting to see some of his old buddies.

Friday, we pretty much just hung out at the house. Mike and Brenda bought the house next to them and are in the process of tearing it down to have the land, but there is an Amish guy that his helping them. So of course his horse and buggy stood by the road the entire day,

so mawmaw took the boys out to pet it.

Ty loved it, Tucker wasn't so sure. :) Bekah and Laney came over during the day.

It was fun to hang out with them and see how much Laney has changed. She's getting so big! :)That night we headed to the game all bundled up because it was in the 40's.

Ty put his hand over his hear while they were singing the national anthem and it melted my heart!

At half time they presented the team and announced each of them.

Zach and Carmen came to the game with us and Zach even wore David's old jersey! :)

They are getting ready to have their baby boy in December and we're so excited for them! Kenton pretty much dominated the game.

It was fun for a while, but the boys got ready to go after half time, so David and Zach took them down to walk around.

David took Ty to the cheerleaders so that he could ask for a football and of course they gave him one.

So after the 3rd quarter, we headed home. :)

Then Saturday we woke up early and headed back home. We were trying to make it back for a 4:00 birthday party, but didn't quite make it. We did make it to the Shipmans later that night for some Chilli. :)

Tucker fell there and busted his nose on the stairs, hopefully it won't make him have a scar there. I was just thankful it wasn't his eye. :) I gave Tucker 1/2 of a chocolate chip cookie and this is how his face turned out...

Not sure how he does it and if anything gets into his mouth. He's a funny kid! :)

Sometime during this month David discovered one morning that his truck had gotten broken into and they took all his hunting gear and his bow. I left for work and noticed a hat (ball cap) near our driveway and thought it was weird, but didn't think too much about it.

A little later he called me and told me what happened... Oh my. Needless to say, our subdivision is a "private" neighborhood meaning that we are not state owned, but the police have now put us back on their patrol route, thank goodness!! And we now have a security system, these people are getting crazy!!
Also, this month, I had the "special snack" for Ty's class at preschool and being the crafty nerd I am, I had to come up with some fun halloween snacks.

Yes, I know this is a little much for a 2 year old class snack, but I live for doing stuff like this. :) David thought I had lost it. :)

Mummy juice boxes, spider fruit stick, and little pumpkins filled with crackers and cheese.
These two little boys love getting into the fridge and taking a seat.

So I caught them on camera one day, just for the record! I will be sad the day they both can't squeeze into that little spot!
I had a conference in Raleigh one night and so daddy was in charge. It was a Wednesday night and about 7:00 my phone kept getting text message after message and once I finally looked at them all this is what I saw...

Daddy had "done" their hair for church and all my friends were texting me pictures of them! Hilarious!!! He's one fun daddy!!
Any given night if you come to my house between the hours of 7:00-11:00pm I'm pretty sure you are going to see any of the below going on.

These boys love to play with eachother and with their daddy.

So many fun memories being made! I just love to sit back on the couch and watch them!

And just so I have noted it...

These are the stepping stones that the boys made me for mother's day this year. I don't think I have ever posted a pic of them and I just wanted to make sure I did. They are too sweet!
And I think that about wraps up this month to now. Halloween is this weekend and I'm excited to see the boys all dressed up and ready to go! I'll be sure to post pictures once we go trick-or-treating! Thanks for following this off the wall post! Hope you enjoyed! :)
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