So, we got back from Florida Wednesday night around 9:00 and then I went to work the next day and we left that night around 6:00 for Ohio. We had planned to stop in West Virginia at some friends house which was only about 4 hours away, so it worked out perfect.

Ty did great and we got there about 10:30. They have 3 kids and were all up and anxious for us to get there. It was fun to see them. They have been friends with David's family for a good while and had never seen Tyler, so it was a much needed trip. We stayed up pretty late visiting, thanks Bonnie for the grilled cheese ;) and then went to bed. We got up around 8 ate some pancakes and got on the road by 10. We headed to Grandma's since her house was closer and everyone was gathering there. We had a good time visiting with everyone!

Tyler took his first steps in grandma's kitchen (July 3rd). It was fun and he really didn't know what was going on, but I am so glad I got to be there. We got pictures of it but no video for some reason. Then we went to David's mom's house and chilled out there for the rest of the night. Saturday we got up and all headed down to grandmas.

All the family was gathering there for their annual 4th of July get together and also it was a special treat because David's cousin Jason is in the military and was home for a couple of weeks and actually got married a week or two before so we got to meet his lovely bride and we had a little wedding shower for them.

Mom C made the cake and boy was it good! She's getting really good at it! I helped a tad bit, but not really, I really was more of the "hander" things when she needed them. ;) We had a great lunch complete with all the fixins. Always tons of food.

Then everyone has a water balloon fight,

I mean everyone. I think I was the least wet person because I was "walking" Ty and when he got hit he would cry, so everyone kind of avoided me, but don't think that will work next year!

;) We had a blast and if you tried to hide it only made it worse because there were super soakers and all and yes, those standing inside got shot and then dragged out of the house to get soaked. Mom C had quite a time with the super soaker, it was so funny!

So later that night we headed back to Kenton to watch the ever so famous fireworks.

Actually, they were very pretty, we had a good spot to sit (and exit quickly), and Ty loved them!

He was just sitting there as still as could be trying to figure it all out. It was precious.

So then back home to put him in the bed and then off to sleep.

Sunday, up for church and then we came back to Kenton for steak lunch. It was great. Kevin and Zach (David's oldest buddies) joined us as well as Bekah and Brad, so we had a great time.

That night David was taking me to the Melting Pot in Columbus (about an hour away) for our anniversary. We went there last year, so it's kind of our tradition. So we left Kenton, headed to Zach and Carmen's new house to check it out and then headed down to Columbus. Kevin has a motorcycle, so he let the guys try it out.

I took a couple of pics just for memories cause I'm pretty sure David's not getting one, at least ANY time soon! ;) So it was good to catch up with friends even though it was like less than an hour.
Then off to Columbus David and I went. We had a great time just the two of us! Mom C, Bekah and Sarah kept Ty for us so we could enjoy the evening.

David had planned to stay down there, but I kind of crashed that idea because 1st I was being cheap and didn't want to pay for a hotel, and 2nd I didn't want to have to drive an hour back in the morning and then turn around and drive 8, so we came back. But we enjoyed dinner, walked around Easton mall, and then came back. It was fun being just us together again.

Thanks sweetie for such a great anniversary!!!
Then Monday morning we got up packed all our stuff and David loaded it all back up. The whole family came to Kenton for lunch so that was fun getting to see everyone one last time. We left there around 2:00 and headed for W-S! It was a great trip. Thanks so much for making it the best! We had a great time and always love being with our family!!! Thank you for all you do for us! We love you!
We got home around 12:00, unloaded and passed out... Then the alarm went off, back to work I went! ;)
Be sure to check out the post below about my Florida Trip.