Sunday we went to church then out to eat to The Loop. Then home for a short nap, and then back to church for Austin's eagle scout ceremony. Then back home, then back to church again. So by the end of the day, I was exhausted and Tyler was even more because he got about a 30 minute nap the whole day. So I took him home, put him in bed and then David and about 20 kids came over for pizza. It was fun and I loved having them all over. Then Monday came and it was back to work...
Tuesday, Tyler turned 11 months. I can't believe that now in less than a month he will be one. Knock on wood, but he's slept through the night 8 nights in a row!!!! That's huge for us. He's a pretty good sleeper, but usually gets up at least once and I would have to give him a bottle, so you can imagine how excited I am!! He's walking/running like crazy. Wants to follow me all around the house now. Is content most of the time just playing with his toys. He's a ham and loves attention, as you can see in the videos. He has learned lots of new tricks this past month.
He really took off walking when Austin and Madi were here because he wanted to follow them around EVERYWHERE, so they came at an awesome time for his walking skills. ;) He's learning to talk more and says "Huh" all the time as to say, "what??" and then when he does it really fast back to back, that means, "I really want that or to do this, why are you not letting me???" and then he quickly gets over it. He's pretty good at getting hurt or mad and getting over it really quickly. He had a fall Wednesday and hit his gum and split it wide open. Darla, his babysitter, thought she might have to take him to the hospital because it wouldn't stop bleeding, but as soon as David got there, he was fine. I'm sure that is the first of MANY fun accidents!! :) He's around 21-22 lbs and I have no idea how tall, I guess we'll find out at his 1 year old check up, but he's really shot up the past couple of weeks.
Oh and we now have 2 teeth on the bottom and almost 2 on the top!!! Yay those things were/are so stubborn!! Tyler is such a sweet kid and we are still enjoying him more than ever, we just light up thinking about him. I just can't believe how fast time really does go!!
So a few more things that have been going on lately...
Sarah, David's sister, moved out at the end of July. It's sad to see her leave (although she's only 5 miles down the road), but I know that she's ready to be on her own and out of her brother's house. We had fun while she lived with us and were very thankful for all her help!! We love you Sarah and know you can still come over whenever you wish! ;)
David has been cutting his hair for forever, but now he has also started cutting other people's hair too. A few weeks ago he cut Brian's hair and it turned out really good, then when Austin came, he cut his hair, then when we were over at the Chunn's for dinner Brian wanted his hair cut again. So it's been David's new little hobby and he really does do a great job with it! ;)
We found out that a family here that has been like our family, Brian, Vicki, Megan, and Austin Chunn are moving to Texas. Both Megan and Austin will be off at college, but we are so incredibly sad that Brian and Vicki won't be here. Brian and David are pretty much one and the same. They give each other a run for their money and are really great friends. It is going to be so hard to not have them here. I know the move it bittersweet for them, because it's a great job and pretty good timing, but they have been here 15 years. I can't imagine, but I do know that they will be greatly missed and especially by my little family. I'm going to stop here because I don't want to start crying... But just know it's going to be really hard and a really hard adjustment seeing them leave!And on to more happier things... My friend Shauna had sweet little Trent on Tuesday. I so wish I could be there to hold that precious boy!! He looks just like his 2 year old brother, Trey! We are so happy for them and can't wait to see them again.
And... another one of my best friends, Shanna, is due on the 20th!! They did not find out what they are having and it's killing me. I am so excited and can't wait. So I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of "baby"!! So this coming week or next, we should have another precious little one! I'm so excited. This picture was taken at the game Monday night (Sorry Shanna, you're probably going kill me!) Brian, her husband, got smacked in the face with a ball that bounced up and I really thought it broke his nose, cause it just started pouring blood! But this was taken when she was trying to get her 10 month belly over to help him! She looks absolutely adorable, and I just love how the baby is sticking out in this picture, so I'm going to share. :) Love you both!!
So that is the end of this crazy, jump around blog. My mind is going 90 to nothing and I can't get my thought process together so that's why this was probably so hard to read, but I wanted to make sure I documented it all. So sorry! My papa and Aunt are coming in tonight from Cincinnati. His brother lives in King (about 20 minutes away) and they are throwing him a surprise 80th birthday party! So we are excited to have them come stay with us for the weekend!! It's sure to be a fun time!
I'll do better about keeping up so I won't have to do these crazy catch up blogs! Sorry some of the videos were sideways and so dark, I couldn't figure out how to edit them, but you get the point! :)