So, life has been pretty busy lately.

Back in mid-July we got the chance to go to Carolina Beach with the Lawson family for a few days and were so excited to join them.

We left Wednesday night and got there around 10:30 or so.

We had a great time.

The weather was beautiful and it was very relaxing.

We usually played on the beach during the day and then went out to eat at night. All the boys had fun playing with the toys and building things in the sand. :)

The big boys built a tunnel, which of course Ty wouldn't go through, so they took turns and it eventually came crashing down. :)

They also made a "pool" and enjoyed just playing around in there.

Friday night Tucker came down with a pretty high temp. He slept
ok and we made it through the night and then headed home Saturday morning.

David was leaving the next day (Sunday) for a mission trip down to Tuscaloosa to help with the tornado damage.

He went with Charlie Branch and the 3 senior boys.

While they were working their tails off clearing brush and trees that had fallen with bobcats and chainsaws.

We were holding down the fort going back and forth to the doctor. Sunday I took Tuck in because he was still running a fever and he just wasn't right. He was on
Bactrum (
Sulfer antibiotic) for
MRSA-CA that he had developed the week before in his diaper area. They told me it was hand foot and mouth (which I didn't believe) and then sent me home. Well, Monday, I picked him up from Darla's covered in a rash. Tues we were back at the
dr and he told me it was
roseola, which was a big possibility because he had a high fever and it broke and then the rash appeared. But something in my told me that wasn't it. Keep in mind he was still on the antibiotic and I really had a feeling that the rash was meaning that he was allergic to it because it was definitely bothering him and the
roseola rash is not suppose to bother you.

So by Wednesday night I'm a complete wreck, horribly worried about Tuck and David's out of town. Tuckers rash was a the worse it had been and he took the last dose that morning. So I
concluded that he was allergic to the medicine because by Thursday night/Friday morning the rash was gone he was back to his happy self. Needless to say I won't be giving that to him unless worse comes to worse. So anyway, we survived the week and David returned to us on Saturday night, thank goodness. We were all worn out! He was covered in
poison ivy so he had to go on Sunday and get some
steroids because it was only getting worse I did not want us to get it!
Sunday night/ Monday morning I heard a honk and a door slam around 4:30 am, so I got up and looked out the front window to see the door of my van wide open. I looked out the side window and saw a car sitting there and after about 5 secs speed off. I went and got David up knowing we had been robbed and sure enough... Not sure what scared them or whatever, but I'm glad it did before they got everything.

They did manage to take the things that were in the front (
gps, car power inverter, and my
ipod), but he had taken the
dvd players off the headrest and found the other player that was in the floor board (from our trips) and stacked them into the car seat, but I guess when he got scared forgot to grab them. So I was thankful at least those weren't taken. But we felt so mad and violated. But needless to say, everyone was fine and it was our mistake for
accidentally leaving the car door unlocked...
So then, he was home for a week and then had to leave again to go to Charlotte for work camp. David's mom took the week to come help us and I'm so thankful she did. She is always a huge help when she is here and were so so happy to have her with us! The boys played and played and had a big time. I don't have any pictures yet because Brenda has them, but I will add them when I get them. :) So, David got home on Thursday night and G-ma had a leave on Friday morning. Thanks so much G-ma for coming and loving on the boys!!

Saturday morning my mom flew in and I was so excited to see her! She hasn't been able to come since last summer when they all were here to see Tucker. So it was a huge treat for us and so thankful she felt good and was able to enjoy herself.

She kept the boys all week and really loved it.

Friday, David kept the boys for us and we shopped from 9-5 and then went and ate at Olive Garden, so it was a long day but we loved spending it together! Thanks Nana for coming and spending your last week of vacation with us!

The boys loved being with you and are still telling all the "stories" you told them. :) Also, thanks for getting Ty addicted to the
ipad! :)

So I think that pretty much catches us up for now. It's been a crazy past few months but we are so thankful for all the visits and fun times we have had!
The boys start preschool Sept 6 and are so excited about that. I am too, but really sad for them to go to "school". Time is flying by way too fast!! Enjoy every second of it I know I am sure trying too! :)