Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Shower Number Five
Friday, August 22, 2008
Time flys when your having fun...

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I rented a birthing video this week for us to watch. It was definitely "older" but I guess it had the pertinent information in it. It was 5 hours long, so needless to say we fast forward through a few things, but we actually did learn a few things. I'm going to go get another one today of an actual birth, so David is not so shell shocked come the day of. So I'll let you know how that goes. :) Wish us luck!
Sorry for the randomness of this blog. I'm guessing that's how it's going to be from now on!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
We finally bit the bullet

I leave for Asheville, NC in the morning for work. Already a few of the guys already told me that if it gets too boring and we need a break, they are going to give me "the look" and I must immediately start having contractions, yeah, we'll see how that works out! :)
We'll come back on Friday night and then take the youth group to Emerald Point on Saturday, which is a big water park in Greensboro. I'm excited about the lazy river and relaxing by the pool all day! Sounds like music to my ears!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Thursday night we left Winston and headed to West Virginia to spend the night with some good friends Bonnie and Will and their 3 kids. It's about 1/2 way to Ohio, so a perfect place to stop for the night. We got in about 9:30 hung out for a few hours and then went to bed. We woke up pretty early Friday morning because we needed to get to Ohio to start the days events. We got to Ohio and immediately went and got David's suit for the wedding. It looked great on him, by the way. Then headed home for some lunch. It was a good
After that I went back home with Sarah (David's sister) and David stayed the night with Zach.

So after the shower we headed back home for some R & R before the wedding. We headed to the wedding around 5. It was a gorgeous day! It really wasn't hot at all and the weather was great. They had the wedding under a big tent in the back yard (which is outlined with corn) it was amazing and we had so much fun taking pictures. Carmen was beautiful and the wedding was perfect! Here are some random pictures from the wedding.
I just have to add that Millie was so concerned about Mr. Da-bed. I was holding her and her face was absolutely adorable. She was so sad that they were pouring things on him and after it was over, she kept wanting me to take her to him so she could see that he was ok. Then she felt his head and gave him a big hug and she was better. It almost made me cry it was so sweet!
It was a good end to a great VBS!!!
And now we are in the last month before Tyler gets here! We are trying to get everything in order and get prepared for him! I am so excited and can't wait to see his precious face. I am starting to get a little nervous about the whole delivery, but I know that everything will be fine and we'll have a precious little boy to show for it. We are on our 34th week, but here are my 33 week belly pictures. I'm starting to get very uncomfortable and feeling like I really am pregnant! :) This weekend should be pretty easy going. Going to try to get some stuff done around the house and get Tyler's room completely in order and hopefully get a few more hours of shut eye! Because Monday begins another busy week! I have to go to Asheville, NC Thursday and Friday for work and then Charleston, SC Friday thru Sunday with the kids for their last summer trip before school. Lots of fun, but sure to be tiring.