Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Doctor...

Today was Tyler's 6 month check-up at the doctor. He did a great job and showed all his new tricks. He even showed Dr. Bell how tough he was when we head banged the mirror. He is so close to crawling and really wanting to go. So usually when he sits, he almost always lunges forward to his hands and knees instead of just sitting there. So, that's what he did. The only problem was that there was a mirror in front of him, so a big red mark on his forehead is what he got, and he just starred at the mirror like, "who in the world just hit me...". It was quite funny.

Dr. Bell said he looked great and was right on track. Here is his stats:
Weight: 17lbs 15oz (60%)
Height: 27" (74%)
Head: 17 3/4" (82%)

Thank goodness daddy was able to be there, because I'm just not that tough when it comes to shots, so daddy took that duty (as always). ;) I've really got to get better. He did good but did cry like I've never heard him do before, of course only for about 20 seconds, then he was good. Mrs. Darla came and picked him back up and took him back to her house, so hopefully he's been doing good.

Of course while we were there we did another photo session. It's just fun in the doctor's office for some reason and the fact that it takes forever for the nurse to come back in for the shots.
So here are a few from today!
I'll blog soon about my trip to B'ham and my newly updated kitchen!! ;)

Hope everyone is wearing their green...Happy St. Patricks Day!!


Holly-- The Storm Chaser

What a smart boy! He's in the 84th percentile for his head cause his brain is so big! Love and miss you guys.


Very, Very cute pictures!!

Kelly Key

Awwww...I miss that lil' fella'!!!! Man he is just so cuteeeeeeeeeee! And one of the happiest 6 month olds I have seen! How did you get just his eyes blue in the that top pic? was that on Picasa..b/c I can't figure out how to do that? Miss ya'll!!!! Love ya!