Friday night was Luke's family party. Bekah invited us over for a cook-out and we gladly accepted.

Saturday morning we were up and getting ready for my mom, Mandy, Austin, and Madi to arrive. They drove to Atlanta the night before so they only had a 5 hour trip on Saturday. I finally got Tyler down for a nap around 2:00 and sure enough about 2:30 they arrived and Tyler woke up. I guess he knew someone was coming to see him. It was a beautiful day Saturday, a little chilly, but nice. So as soon as they got here all the kids headed to the backyard to explore. Austin had fun playing with Kylie and I know she loved that. Madi and Ty enjoyed playing in the sandbox and with the tub of water filled with toys.
Seriously they played hard for about 3-4 hours. It was so nice now that they are all getting older and can just play on their own.
They had the best time, but sure were nasty when they came in! Later that day, mom and I ventured to Harris Teeter.
I have started cutting coupons and with the triple coupons going on this week, I decided it was a great way to try out my skills. Of course I didn't have too many coupons since I just started collecting them the week before, but I did pretty good. I let mom push the cart with the non-coupon items, and I pushed the other one. It was fun and in the end I think I did pretty good for it being my first time. I got all these items for $1.20!
I was so excited when I saw the total at the end. :) It kind of gets addicting. Of course, I don't think I'm going to become crazy with it, but if your going to buy those items anyway, getting them almost free is a huge bonus!! :) So then we headed home for hot dogs and mac-n-cheese. The kids were pretty calm for the most part, I think they were so worn out from playing so hard.
Sunday, we all got up for church. I teach class and then had KFC (kid's church), so it's kind of a hard morning to just go and go. But it was good and Madi and Austin were in there, so it was nice to be able to be with them. We went to lunch at Olive Garden, Sarah, of course was our waitress. After a yummy lunch we headed home to chill and let Ty take a nap. We all kind of just laid around which was nice. It was raining so the kids couldn't go outside, but they did pretty good just playing inside with the non-talking toys (which are kind of hard to find in my house!) Then we left for church and then went to Pancho Villas for dinner. It was storming like crazy outside, so that made for a little more craziness, but we managed. :)
Monday, I went to work, and they hung out at the house most of the day. The ground was muddy but they were dying to go outside and play, so they threw on some rain boots and had at it. They were disgusting by the end of the day, but they had fun, so that's all that mattered. David and Mandy meet me at the drs. for our ultrasound. We got to see Tucker and boy was that fun. I just love being able to see him and watch what he was doing. We loved our ultrasound Tech. She was super sweet! Everything looked good and she was able to get the picture of the heart that she couldn't get last time. The crazy thing we found out is that right now, he is huge. She said normally at this point (28weeks 4 days) the baby is usually around 2lbs, and Tucker is already 3lb 7oz!! So he was measuring almost 2 weeks early (30weeks 5 days). If you remember Ty was only 6lb 8oz when he was born, so I wasn't expecting that. But she said either you are going to have a big baby, he is going to be early, or he has just hit a growth spurt. Lets just pray he hit a growth spurt!! (Which would explain why I think I need to eat everything in site lately!) She said they will probably do another ultrasound around 36 weeks to take a look at him again and just see how he was measuring.
I haven't been able to scan the pictures in, so these are just pictures of pictures, which don't turn out very good, so I traced one of them, so you could see how he is fitting in my belly! He's crazy, but he is head down, so that's good!
So all in all, it was a great appointment except for drinking the drink for my glucose test, them pricking my finger, and taking a ton of blood! :) But we survived and I'm just thankful he is healthy and still a boy! :)
So, I'm sure I'll update soon when I have more pictures from this week, but I just wanted to do a quick update so it didn't get too long! :) Enjoy this spring weather!! I know I sure am!