Then Ashley had her baby, Jake (see earlier post).
Then the next weekend we had a birthday party for
Bekah. We went to some friends house and


appetizers and just a great time laughing, eating, playing games, and just all being together. It was definitely a fun night!!

Friday night, we (the youth group) had a Sweetheart dinner for all the older people at our church. I think there were about 4o people there.

It was an Italian dinner theme complete wit

h Salad and bread sticks from Olive Garden. Cody and Karen (friends from church) totally helped us out and helped David organize the whole thing, and without them, it would have be completely crazy!! So, so much thanks

goes to them. Kay Lynn also came up that night to help in the kitchen which was also a big help. And then all the other friends that helped cook Lasagna at their home so that we could have them all ready at the same time. Man, it takes a production to put on a dinner!! So thank you so much to all of you that helped out with everything. They had a great time and so did we!

My creative husband even had a digital fire going on stage. It was awesome! Then Saturday was Valentines Day. David and I didn't really do much but be lazy and just hang out. I did make him breakfast in bed though. Which really never works out because he doesn't like eating right when he wakes up, so he usually gets up and makes his way

down stairs and then eats his breakfast, which by that time it's usually cold and probably not so good, but it's the thought that counts. I made french toast with powdered sugar hearts on them. Cheesy, I know, but it was cute if I must say so myself. ;)
Then this past weekend we took the kids to
Winterfest in
Gatlinburg, Tenn. We had 27 in all, that went. We had a great time. If you don't know what
winterfest is, it's basically a huge youth rally with about 13,000 youth in attendance. Of course they have 2 sessions of about 6,500 people so you can imagine the worship that goes on, it's amazing! The theme this year was Love God, Love Others (L1, L2).

I was a little nervous this year because we were bringing Ty with us and I was staying in a room with 3 other girls. But of course he was great, slept through the night both nights and actually we all woke him up when we were getting ready and making lots of racket, so I was very proud of him.

He was a trooper on Saturday and let me drag him around all day. And by Sunday afternoon on the way home, he was ready to get out of that seat!! I could occupy him pretty well, but about the last 20 minutes he wasn't
happy and was ready to be home. I would say he was pretty tired because he slept from like 5-7 when we got home and then got up ate, took a bath, and was back in bed by 9:00 and slept till 7:00 this

morning. I fed him an

d then put him in bed with David and he said they didn't wake up till 10:30. SO he was definitely tired!
It was a great trip! I think the kids enjoyed it and we were thankful we got to go and be apart of it!
So here are a few random pictures of what Tyler's doing now: He's totally sitting up by himself and l
oving it! He loves to be able to do things on his own and he wants to always be in the middle of everything, so now that he is sitting up it's all within reach! ;) He's pretty much eating stage 1 baby food. He doesn't eat a whole jar at once, maybe half, if that, but
he doesn't seem to enjoy something different. (I think this was peas in this picture) The drool... oh the drool it's crazy. It just pours out of his mouth making his chin completely chapped. But he also loves spitting! It's his new favorite trick he can occupy himself with that for a pretty long time.
He has discovered his bottom lip. He loves to stick it out for no apparent reason,
but it's the cutest thing in the world!! And he is so into the bouncer now. Seriously it looks like he's jumping on a trampoline he goes so high. We got to skype with Brittany and Ashley this week and they both saw how he loves that thing!!

The squash picture... We'll as you know I LOVE squash and
vidalia onions, but no one else in my household does, so yes, I ate the WHOLE pan for dinner one night! I love summer time and fresh veggies and I just thought this picture was too pretty to not include it. ;) Random, I know!
Now we are anxiously awaiting Nana to arrive on Saturday!! Life is beginning to get crazy again, but a good crazy!! ;)