Moving on now to Father's Day. Tyler and I have been working on David's gifts for a while because I wanted to make him a few things to make it extra special. ;)

On Another note... Thursday David got a call from a guy in high school that bought this precious black lab puppy (8 weeks old) for his girlfriend for a surprise... Needless to say, her parents wouldn't let her have it and his wouldn't either since he will be leaving for college in a couple of months, so you guessed it... We received the puppy. I was very apprehensive about it because I honestly didn't want to throw another dog in the mix. But David promised me that he would take care of her and convinced me that it would be a good thing because Kylie needed a friend... To which I agreed... So he went a picked her up Thursday night. This is when he just brought her home and Tyler saw her for the first time. So sweet.
Shortly after this when Tyler lost interest cause she was just laying there, Ty and I were playing in the floor and up walks "Bailey" towards us, Tyler screamed bloody murder and I will have to admit it was kind of scarey. Cause she looked like a little stuffed animal laying there so still and quite and then she came alive and was walking straight towards us and all you could see was the whites of her eyes. It was crazy how much it truly frightened Tyler. So anyway, David picked her up and took her to the garage. Come to find out later that night she had worms. The highschooler...Bob... got her from some breeder off Craigs List and the breeder said that she had had her dewormed... So we figured no big deal we would take her to the vet the next day and figure it all out. So Friday, she was acting better and we didn't really see any worms, but David got the worm medicine and hoped it would clear it all up. Keep in mind we were keeping her totally in a blocked off area in the garage just in case, cause the thought of having that in my house, totally freaked me out. So Saturday morning she woke up and was gaging just spitting up everywhere and we knew the worms were still there. So David took her straight to the vet. They determined there she had 3 kind of worms and there was a possibility she had parvo... WHAT??? We were devastated for her because you could tell she was in really bad pain and it was so hard to see a puppy like that. So David had her in quarantine, literally. I didn't go out there cause I could stand to see her suffer and selfishly didn't want to get attached. David spent at least 10 hours a day with her cleaning up her "mess" sanitizing everything constantly, giving her IV's, all her other meds, and also trying to give her pedilyte and baby food (recommended by our awesome friend and Vet. Karen). So many hours were put into that precious little girl. Sunday, she seemed to be doing better, but David was constantly having to nurse her to help her get better. Monday, he went back to the vet got more meds, went to the store and got some more supplies to help her feel comfy and relaxed, went into the garage to give it all to her and she had passed away... I was upstairs getting some stuff done and David came up there just white in the face. I felt incredibly sorry for him and heartbroken. He put so much into this little puppy and cared so good for her and then she just couldn't make it. So he had to wrap her up and take her to the vet (since we can't bury within the city limits) and then he had to come back and sanitize the whole entire garage which took about 9 hours all together. It was such a hard day for him. She was such a sweet precious little puppy!! Then, the next day he had to take Kylie to the vet to make sure all her shots were up to date and give her boosters for everything... So that was an expensive and sad little experience. Sorry I just had to share that. I know it was a bit much, but I needed to document it. David has such a tender heart and is such a good man!! We love you baby and are thankful for all you do!!