Saturday, we all, including my great friend Sarah, went to the Branch's farm to do some fishing, which is Austin's all time favorite. First cast, huge bass! He is a great fisherman and really did good. I think we were there for about 1 1/2 hours and he caught at least 10 fish. He even caught a catfish, which Sarah said she had not ever seen anyone catch a catfish out there! Boy was Austin excited. He was so cute!
We all just sat and watch him. Even Madi was a trooper, she was hot a tired, but managed to let "bubba" have a good time! Here are a few pics, one of him reeling one in and then showing off his prize. He wanted us to take one everytime he caught a fish, so we have quite a few pics. I'll post some different ones as soon as I get them from my sister. We didn't catch this on camera, but the last fish he caught he was trying to "set him free" and slipped in the mud into the pond. It was so funny, but we assured him that you're really not a great fisherman unless you get dirty, so after that, he was pretty proud of himself! :)
Monday, June 23, 2008
It's summer time!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A weekend in Florida

So, Monday we got up (Mandy, Austin, Madi, and I) and headed for North Carolina. We really did have a great trip and didn't hit much traffic at all. The kids were awesome, didn't cry at all and I think that's awesome for a 1.5 and 5 year old!! So every time we pray Austin has been saying, "We are glad that we made it home safely, and that we made it in one day!" For some reason he keeps thinking that usually it takes them longer than one day. Then Mandy also told me this morning that she told him they were going to go to Wal-Mart, and he said, "Oh man, that will take too long!" Until she informed him that we have a Wal-Mart in North Carolina too! :) Precious. So I am so enjoying having them here with me this week! David is gone and it is a wonderful blessing to have them stay with me. :) Just to let you know where David is. He is gone to Lipscomb this whole week. He took the kids to "Impact" there. It started Monday and will end Saturday. Then he leaves for an Atlanta Mission Trip on Sunday morning and will be there till Thursday and then we leave Thursday night for Ohio, for David's cousin Jillian's wedding! Boy will he be tired!!
Okay that is about all the updating I have at this point. Hopefully soon, I will have pics of the nursery, if my stinkin crib will ever come in!! I've cancelled one order and have ordered it again from a different store, so we will see if they can ship it any faster! :)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Baby Ty-La
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The heat is here!!!
After graduation, we went with the Branch's to eat at Millners. It was delicious and we had a great time all together. After dinner at 10:00, David went to the Chunn's to work again on the slide show and I went and picked up Sarah and headed to Wal-Mart. I needed a "spray fan" for the next day's activities. So after that excursion we finally got in bed around 12:30.
The alarm went off at 5:45am (yes on a Saturday!!) we were all (us and the youth group) headed to Charlotte for a day at the National Olympic training center. They have white water rafting, rock climbing, mountain biking, low and high ropes courses, and a few more activities I can't think of. We left the church building around 7:00 in a 15 passenger van! Note, there were 16.5 of us. So David, Sarah, Shanna, and I (4.5 of us) shared the front seat, needless to say we were a little cramped for the 1.5 hour car ride, but it wasn't too bad. At least all the kids had a seat! :)
When we arrived we were set to do the low ropes course. Which is meant for team building and learning communication skills. We had a blast and the kids were awesome!! I cannot tell you how
proud of them we were! Here is a couple pictures from that excursion. They really don't do justice for what we had to do, but just ask if you want more details. It was awesome!
I went and picked up Subway for lunch while they were in the middle of pushing everyone up a straight vertical 25' wall. It was amazing and I hated to miss it, but everyone was getting really hungry! :) So they finished there activities and then we had lunch. Everyone was hot and hungry but so proud of themselves. No one was complaining, it was great!
So after lunch, more fun was in store. We were going white water rafting, of course, I tried but they wouldn't let me, but it was still fun watching them. There was a trail that went around the rapids, so I walked around and tried to get some pics of them. Here is some shots that were taken. We had 3 rafts of 5 people, so they were split up. Also, I got a great group shot!!
When we got back home, I was dying to get in the water since I didn't get to all day, so Sarah and I headed to the pool. It was so very relaxing! Then we met David for dinner. We did get in bed that night around 11:30, so that was nice.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
A Travel Excursion...

1. I graduated with Amy and Mack (the bride and groom) from Auburn. We all had the same major.
2. David couldn't find the camera so we didn't get to take any pictures the whole weekend! So some of the pictures on here were taken from various places. :)
So here is a picture of Amy and Mack at the Luau.

Here are some pics from the wedding:

She was a gorgeous bride and they looked so happy!!!
So then the reception was at a pond there in town. It was gorgeous and they had wonderful food! Here is a picture of their first dance.

We had to leave the reception a little early because we needed to get on the road. We were headed from Huntsville, AL for the rest of the night (about 1.5 hours away). We got to Russell and Talitha's house right around 6:30. They were all there, with an wonderful dinner ready for us. Russell grilled pork tenderloins, it was delicious! Talitha made hashbrown casserole, salad, and something else, I can't remember, but it was awesome! So after dinner with Russell, Talitha, Kyle, Daniel, Lori, and Brock, we headed to the back porch (which is on a gorgeous golf course) and relaxed a little. Then we all took a walk on the golf path, the scenery is amazing there! We had a really good time catching up with everyone and David really enjoyed getting to know them better. And Brock, the little boy, let me tell you is the sweetest thing ever! We enjoyed him so very much! After our walk we came back for a dessert made my Lori, it was strawberry pound cake with, fresh strawberries, real whipped cream and almonds, it was beautiful and so yummy!! David said it was way too pretty to eat! Too bad I didn't have my camera, once again! :) I'm going to attach a picture of that whole side of the family, so you have a clue who I'm talking about, although we didn't get to see them all, it was a wonderful time and I'm so glad it worked out for us to come!