And I'm exhausted!
This weekend wasn't different than any other weekend, but we were just a little more sleep deprived than normal. Friday night we had a youth group cookout at the Branch's Lodge. It was so fun. We had a great turnout, awesome grilled hamburgers (by my hubby) and played a game of fat bat. We cleaned up and then headed to the house around 10. At that point we had to get our garage sale items together for the next day, which granted David did most of that, I was mainly doing the talking.
Saturday morning, David went to set put for the garage sale around 6:00, we were having it at church, then I showed up around 8, I just couldn't do 6! The weather was gorgeous and we had a great turn-out of people. David left to play in his first soccer game at 10 and me and the girls held the fort down. Around 11:30, we held a "free" sign up and gave away all that was left, just to get it out of our hands! Then after cleaning up that. I went to David's 2nd soccer game at 1:30. They didn't win either one, but did play great. They had no subs, so they were super exhausted. We came home, took a short nap, then I went to get with some of my girl friends and he went with the guys to watch the race.
Then Sunday morning we went to church for class and then on to work at the Soup Kitchen, where we served lots of homeless/hungry people. It was a great experience and I really enjoyed it for the most part until about 1:30 came and I was starving, my feet hurt and I was ready for a break! The doors closed at 2, then we cleaned up and headed home for a shower and some spaghetti oh's! We took an hour nap and then back to church for worship and a going away fellowship for the Bradley's and Alison. We finally left church at 9:30 last night and on to bed shortly after.
So needless to say, We're exhausted today and I'm so ready for my head to hit the pillow. It was a great weekend and I wish I had taken pictures of it all, but sadly I didn't! Hopefully, I'll feel more energized tomorrow! :)
But on a fun note... I think I'm starting to feel Tyler. Not anything major but I do feel like I feel him moving and kicking a little here and there, so that's super exciting!! I just can't wait to see him again in 3 weeks!!!
Hey Kiera!! How are you?? It's good to find you on here!! I'm glad to see that things are going to so great for you!!
~Carol Leah
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