Monday, July 7, 2008

A year ago today...

Would be 7/7/07 and our one year wedding anniversary. So I thought I would share a few pictures from that wonderful day!!

I can't believe it has already been a year. It has flown by and we have had so many fun happy memories this year. Yes, we have been faced with a few downs, but ups for the most part. David truely is my best friend and the man that I get my strength from. For you all who know him, he is the light in a room. He brightens everything and puts his heart and soul into everything he does. He truely is a wonderful christian man and I am so thankful that God put us together. We really do compliment eachother and fill eachother's weaknesses. He is so thoughful and romantic. He makes me feel like I am the most important person in this world and does the "sweet" stuff every girl craves. I cannot say enough about him, but that if the rest of our lives just get better, I cannot wait to see what God has in store for us. He has blessed us so much already and now that we are getting ready to bring Tyler in this world we are so excited to see what the years ahead look like. I love you David and could not ask for a better husband and friend!!! I love you now and forever!!!